Thursday, August 12, 2010

Filthy Fifty Legs Style

Here is another Filthy Fifty Workout. This one focuses on the legs

50 Single Leg Deadlifts (per leg)
50 Calf Raises
50 Single Leg Skaters (per leg)
50 Burpees
50 Jumping Squats
50 Speed Skaters
50 Full Deadlifts (use heaviest weights possible)
50 Single Leg Bridge Lifts (per leg)
50 Situps

See how fast you can do the whole thing. If your legs feel strong repeat again.

Good Luck :D


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away....

Rainy Day Home Leg Workout

100 Deep Squat Jumps (start in a deep squat and jump just enough so your toes raise off the ground)
100 Bridge Lifts
100 Katrina's (kick leg back like you are speed skating, alternate legs)
100 Single Leg Deadlifts
100 Bumkickers

* Repeat 2-3 times


Monday, July 12, 2010

The weather is crappy workout

Hi All!

Here is a workout for you to do at home to replace today's bootcamp.

Circuit 1
Plank/ Push-up Combo

Do 15 Push-ups and then hold a plank for 30 second. Repeat 5 times without rest.

Circuit 2
Hit the Deck - 20 (from a standing position, walk your hands down until you are laying on the ground, use your hands to "walk" up to the standing position again)
Plank Jack - 50 (from a plank position, jump your legs out and back in)
Bum Kickers - 1:00 (run on the spot and kick your bum)
Dips - 50
Bicep Curls - 50

Repeat 5 times

Have a good workout :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Healthy Banana Cookies

Everyone needs a treat once in awhile.
Here is one you don't have to feel guilty about :)

  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cup dates, pitted and chopped (or any dried fruit)
  • 1/3 cup applesauce
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. In a large bowl, mash the bananas. Stir in oats, dates, oil, and vanilla. Mix well, and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet.
  3. Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until lightly brown

They have under 40 calories per cookie!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Leg Workout

Hi All!

Here is a leg workout you can do on your own :)

Time yourself for 20 minutes and see how many times you can get through the circuit. The next time you do it try to beat your record.

25 deep jumping squats
20 squat jacks
15 single leg squats
10 broad jump burpees
5 roll to standing

Good Luck!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tofu Salad Recipe

Here is a delicious tofu salad recipe! It's exceptionally delicious and healthy :D
What more can you ask for?

  • 1 tablespoon sweet chili sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1/2 (16 ounce) package extra-firm tofu, drained and diced
  • 1 cup snow peas, trimmed
  • 2 small carrots, grated
  • 1 cup finely shredded red cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons chopped peanuts
  1. In a large bowl, mix the chili sauce, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Place tofu in the mixture, and marinate 1 hour in the refrigerator.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Immerse the snow peas in the boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes, then immerse in a a bowl of cold water. Drain, and set aside.
  3. Toss the peas, carrots, cabbage, and peanuts with the tofu and marinade to serve.
Makes 4 servings. 145 Calories per serving

Stair Workout

Here is a stair workout you can do on your own sometime:

Run Stairs (1 at a time)
50 Speed Skaters
50 Jumping Plie' Squats
* Repeat 3 times

Run Stairs (2 at a time)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Calf Raises
* Repeat 3 times

Run Stairs Sideways (once each direction)
50 Single Leg Skaters (per leg)
50 Alternating Sumo Squats
*Repeat 2-3 times


Assessment Results

Well.. for most of you.. the results are in for assessments!

I am so so so proud of everyone and their hard work over the last 2 months! You all made huge improvements in your fitness level and should reward yourself in some way, shape or form.

Here is how much each person's time was improved:

Lauren: 7:42 seconds
Andrea: 7:28
Jenn: 4:15
Nichole: 4:05
Kathryn: 3:11
Sarah: 9:42
Erin: 3:34
Heather: 3:32
Tracy: 7:22


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Red Meat

Red meat has quite the wrap - is it good for us or terribly unhealthy?

The answer is that red meat is heart healthy unless it is cured.

It turns out that cured red meats such as sausage and bacon are seriously bad for the heart. The recommendation is eating these foods once per week at the MOST. Cured meats, which means meats that are smoked, processed with salt, or preserved with preservatives may raise your risk of cancer (particularly pancreatic cancer) and heart disease.
So, stay away from sausage, bacon, ham, smoked meats, salami, pastrami, pepperoni, cold cuts and sandwich meat.

However, fresh red meats are not nearly as bad for your heart as dieticians used to think. As long as red meat is not cured in any way it as actually good for you, particularly if it is lean.
So, feel free to enjoy lean ground beef, steak, lean pork chops, pork loin, lean stew beef, veal and lamb.

Total Body Workout

Hi All!

I really liked how balanced our workout on Monday was so I thought I would post it online. You may have to ask me about some of the exercises or look them up.

Do each exercise for 3 minutes straight. You may do them in an order you like.

1. Pike Plank
2. Single Leg Reach and Row (10's)
3. Skip
4. In and Out Bicep Curls
5. Flip Grip Tricep Kickback
6. Back and Forth Jumps
7. Squat with Alternating Twists
8. Roll and Stand (single leg if possible)
9. Double Hop Runs
10. Dead Beatles (non rolling version)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dr. Oz's 25 Health Tips To Swear By

Hi Guys!
I thought these tips by Dr. Oz were GREAT! A must read...
It's geared a little towards men - but the info is still great!

Dr. Oz's 25 Health Tips To Swear By


Laughing not only eases stress, promotes social bonding, and lowers blood pressure, it may also boost your immune system. So bring some humor into your life, whether it's through friends or even a new TV show.

2. Don't skip breakfast

Fiber in the morning means less hunger late in the afternoon, when you're most likely to feel tired and gorge yourself on sugar. My morning dose comes from steel-cut oatmeal, usually mixed with raisins, walnuts, and flaxseed oil. An early start on eating also keeps your metabolism more active throughout the day; breakfast eaters are thinner than people who just rush out the door.

3. Hit the sack

Conan and Dave are funny, but they're not worth the strain on your system. Seven hours of sleep a night not only helps you live longer, but also lowers your stress, sharpens your memory, and reduces cravings for pants-splitting foods. Set a bedtime and stick to it.

4. Admire your work

Don't be so trigger-happy with the flusher. Turn around and take a look at your poop, which speaks volumes about your gut and overall health. Poop should be smooth and S-shaped, like your colon. If it comes out too lumpy, or drops into the bowl like marbles, you're constipated. Increase your fiber and water intake.

5. Don't pamper your bad back

Even if you're hunched over in agony, taking to your bed will only make a bad back worse. The latest research shows that bed rest weakens back muscles and prolongs the suffering. Married men may suffer more than single men because of all the pampering.

6. Taste the colors

Foods with bright, rich colors are more than just nice to look at. They're also packed with flavonoids and carotenoids, powerful compounds that bind the damaging free radicals in your body, lowering inflammation. (Sadly, Skittles do not count.) Eat nine fistfuls of colorful fruits and vegetables each day and you'll reap the benefits without having to give up other foods.

7. Brushing is not enough

If you plan to spend your later years eating more than yogurt and applesauce, invest in some floss. No matter how thoroughly or long you brush your teeth, you're missing a good portion of their total surface. That's like washing one armpit after a workout. But the dangers of skipping floss go beyond hygiene: The bacteria that linger can increase your risk of heart disease.

8. Take a deep belly breath

Do this anywhere, anytime. Push out your bellows and suck air through your nose until your lungs are full. They'll fill with nitric oxide, a chemical found in the back of your nose that opens up blood vessels. The dose of oxygen will make you feel happier and more alert.

9. Stretch

Stretching eases stress, lowers blood pressure, slows heart rates, and increases flexibility. And there's nothing mystical about it. Loosening your muscles will make them more adaptable, so you may be less likely to injure yourself playing sports.

10. Don't be an island

Ever wonder why women live longer than men do? One major reason: They form tight networks and actually talk about their problems. If you face life's stresses alone, you will make yourself older. Bankruptcy, for example, causes enough stress to wreak havoc on your body. With another person's love and support, that inner aging can be reduced.

11. Avoid fad diets

The secret to weight loss is not to avoid carbs, fats, yellow foods, solid foods, or foods that start with the letter G. The real trick is to lower your daily intake by about 100 calories. You'll hardly notice, but it'll add up to a loss of about 10 pounds in a year. Calorie restriction has been shown to lengthen life (in rats and monkeys). I cut back once a year to reset my appetite and tastebuds. Healthy food tastes great afterward. Frankly, any food would.

12. Be a smart patient

Your doctor can help keep you in good health, but the responsibility ultimately falls on you. Seek a second opinion before undergoing any procedure, because 30 percent of the time, that opinion will change the diagnosis or plan. Keep a written medical history, and educate yourself about any family problems, even if that means calling your creepy uncle. You might even consider signing onto Microsoft HealthVault so your files are accessible in case you find yourself in trouble away from home.

13. Lose the beer belly

Most men fasten their belts below their waists. It's just another way of avoiding the truth about that gut. Grab a tape measure and put it around your body at the level of your belly button. That number should be less than half your height. So for a 6-foot, 1-inch frame, you need to keep your waist under 36.5 inches.

14. Go green

Green tea is packed with heart-boosting and cancer-stopping polyphenols that black tea doesn't offer. (These beneficial chemicals are lost when it's fermented.) Green tea also delivers a boost of alertness, but from a smaller dose of caffeine than black tea. Green tea can even fight dandruff, although only if you pour it directly onto your scalp. (It's probably a good idea to let it cool down first.)

15. Sweat till you're wet

If you can work up a sweat for just one hour a week, you'll enjoy a range of benefits: reduced risk of heart attack, better mood, and lower blood pressure. I like interval training on the elliptical, with 15 pullups and 15 dips every 10 minutes. Your muscles will become more efficient, so you'll have more stamina for more enjoyable activities that also work up a sweat.

16. Put it in the bank

Most people rank personal finance as their No. 1 stressor, usually because they feel powerless. Stress not only shortens lives, it also drives people to habits like smoking, drinking, or bingeing on food. Keep some money in a special bank account, safe from your lust for a new television, and you'll establish an emotional comfort zone with major health benefits.

17. Have as much sex as possible

If a 50-something man could have sex 700 times a year, the exercise and stress reduction would make him look and feel years younger. I wouldn't recommend quitting your day job in order to hit that number—but what's the harm in trying? The next time your loved one says she has a headache, tell her she's literally killing you. It works for me.

18. Know your numbers, and then aim lower

Take the part of your brain dedicated to your steak house's phone number and reassign it to your heart's vital signs. These include blood pressure (which ideally should be below 115 over 75), LDL cholesterol (under 100), resting heart rate (under 70), and fasting blood sugar (under 100). If your numbers aren't ideal, change your diet until they improve.

19. Add some weights

Just 30 minutes twice a week spent lifting weights can build significant muscle mass. What's more, working all that muscle burns tons of calories, making it a great way to lose your gut, too. Don't have weights? Try lifting yourself: Pullups are the most valuable muscle-building exercises I do. Oprah's trainer, Bob Greene, pointed out to me that pullups work the back, pecs, arms, and belly all at once. And since you're lifting yourself, you'll think twice before eating that doughnut, because you'll just have to lift it later.

20. Grab some nuts

Nuts are among the best sources of healthful fats and protein around. I keep a bag of walnuts in my fridge and use their massive dose of omega-3 fatty acids to boost my brainpower while I see patients. Half a handful eaten about 30 minutes before a meal will temper your appetite and help you avoid the drive-thru.

21. No, seriously, grab some nuts

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men in the 15-to-35 age group, but it's usually curable if it's caught early enough. I strongly urge you to grab your testicles. Check them for bumps at least once a month. Each testicle should feel smooth and slightly soft, and one should hang slightly lower than the other, like two avocados (which, in Aztec, actually means "testicles") growing on a tree.

22. Hit the dance floor

Crosswords and card games aren't the only way to keep your brain razor sharp. It turns out that any kind of dancing with complex moves is stimulating enough to give your neurons a workout. Even the simplest moves provide some physical exercise. So don't be such a wallflower on your next night out. As a bonus, dancing may help you with tip No. 17.

23. Do your penis a favor and step on a treadmill

Men who exercise enough to burn 200 calories a day significantly lower their chances of impotence. That's because impotence often has the same cause as heart attacks: blocked arteries. Your penis is like a dipstick for your arteries, so check it. If you're interested in keeping it up later in life, lace up the sneakers now.

24. Learn to cook

Think you know how much butter goes into those mashed potatoes at a restaurant? You're probably off by half. If you can cook, you not only save money but also gain control over what goes into your meals. Plus, for most women, a man who knows how to cook is as sexy as one who stars in movies.

25. Some pills should be popped

The indoor life gives modern man protection from the elements and the ability to watch Gossip Girl in private. Unfortunately, roughly half of us are deficient in vitamin D, of which the sun is a major source. This crucial vitamin may aid in fighting cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I take a 1,000 IU supplement each morning.

Rainy Day Workout

Hi All!

Here is a leg workout you can do in your home on a rainy day. It requires no equipment and little space!

50 Jumping Squats
50 Crunches
50 Single Leg Skaters (per leg)
50 High Knee Runs (per leg)
* Repeat 3 times

50 Single Leg Deadlifts (per leg)
50 V-sits
50 Bridge Lifts
100 Bum Kickers (per leg)
* Repeat 3 times

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No Time? --- Make Time

Hi All!

Today I'm going to talk about one of my pet peeves! One of the most common reasons people give for not exercising is that they don't have any time. Well, you must MAKE time to exercise. I guarantee you'll find time in your schedule to fit it in. The problem is that most people do not put exercise as a priority in their life. So, when you schedule your day, exercise is on the very bottom of your totem pole.... and you just never seem to get to it. I'm telling you to MAKE TIME!
If you aren't going to make time at least stop using the excuse that you don't have enough time. Just be honest and tell me that you just don't want to exercise!

Alright - there you have it - one of my biggest pet peeves.

See you soon :D


Monday, June 14, 2010

Outdoor Butt Kicking!

Hi All!
Here is another workout for you to do on your own sometime. You need to do it at a park with monkey bars and room to run. Good Luck!

50 Jumping Lunges (per leg)
Run (pick a distance that takes you about 1 minute - or just run on the spot for a minute)
50 Jumping Chin-ups (bicep grip)
50 Jumping Plie' Squats
50 Lateral Mountain Climbers
50 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Body Rows
20 Broad Jump Burpees

The End!

Write down the total time it takes you to do the whole thing and then try to beat that time the next time you try it!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Does anyone read this?

Hey All!

I'm just curious if people actually read this blog. Can you please post a comment or email me if you are reading this so I know I am doing this for a reason... lol...

Why do you exercise?

One way to stay motivated to exercise is to create a list of the reasons why you exercise. Make the list as detailed as possible and keep it close by for when you might need a little extra motivation.

Here is part of my list:

1. It's Challenging and Fun - when I exercise I crave the sense of accomplishment. I love to challenge myself out of my comfort zone because I feel so successful afterward!

2. It's Time Dedicated To Me - Sometimes life gets so busy and crazy. When I exercise it's my time! I am a priority and it's important to take care of myself.

3. It gives me more energy - I feel rejuvenated, happy and healthy after a workout. Gotta love that feeling

4. Stress Relief - Exercise helps me sort out the stresses of life. I have time to myself to contemplate and think about what is going on in my life.

5. To Look Good - Exercise helps keep weight in control and tone muscles. After I exercise I feel strong, healthy and beautiful.

6. The Adrenaline Rush - there is always a point in my workout where I get a rush of adrenaline - I feel like I can accomplish anything! I love that feeling.

7. To Live A Long Enjoyable Life - This one is so important to me. I am only 24 years old. I want to live long enough to have children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I know that staying healthy and active keeps me on the right path to reach this goal. I also want to be able to play with my children (grandchildren) and I know I will need to maintain a certain fitness level to be able to do that..

8. To Stay Exercise Related Disease Free - this one is kind of like number 7. Exercise helps prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. I don't want any such disease.

9. To Help My Self Esteem - I used to have a poor self esteem. Now that I have incorporated exercise into my life on a regular basis I feel better about myself. I also hate that "blah" feeling you get when you don't exercise. I think the "blah" feeling really wears on your self-esteem.

10. The Post Workout Feeling - after a workout I feel high! It's an indescribable, unbeatable feeling that keeps me going!

Please, Please, Please make a list of your own and use it to help motivate yourself.
Be sure to include any goal related reasons. For example, if your long term goal is to lose 20 pounds - one of your reasons to exercise is to help you achieve your goal...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Foods That Help Fight Fat

Here are 6 Foods that have shown to help you slim down! Be sure to add them to your diet in moderation.

1. Almonds - Dieters who ate 3 ounces everyday reduced their weight and BMI by 18% compared to an 11% drop in the no-nut control group.

2. Berries - these can help you burn 30% more fat while you are exercising

3. Cinnamon - Sprinkling 1/4 tsp on your food may prevent a post - meal insulin spike

4. Mustard - the spice that gives mustard it's color (turmeric) may slow the grow of fat tissues.

5. Oranges - Oranges contain flavones. Women who regularly consume flavones had lower body fat over a 14 year period.

6. Soybeans - Block fat absorption and breakdown fatty deposits!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

At Home or Travelling Workout

Hey All!
Today I thought I would post a workout that you could do at home or while you are traveling. It takes little space and no equipment. It is also an excellent total body workout.

25 Push-ups
25 Plie Squats
25 Tricep Dips
25 Cross Leg Sit-ups
25 Tuck Jumps
25 Jumping Lunges (per leg)
25 T-Push-ups
25 Speed Skaters

Cycle through this circuit as many times as you can in 30 minutes. Record your number. Try to cycle through faster the next time you do it.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


If you haven't had it before it is delicious and very nutritious! yum yum!

Most people think that Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a grain - but it's actually a chenopod and is closely related to species such as beets and spinach. It is so unique because it is a complete protein! It is very uncommon for plants to be a complete protein (usually only animal meat is complete). It is also an excellent source of fiber, phosphorous, magnesium and iron. Qunioa is gluten free and easy to digest. It is awesome.

Qunioa and Vegetable Salad

  • 1 teaspoon canola oil
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1/4 cup diced (yellow or purple) onion
  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 cups quinoa

  • 3/4 cup diced fresh tomato
  • 3/4 cup diced carrots
  • 1/2 cup diced yellow bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup diced cucumber
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
  • 1/4 cup diced red onion
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

  1. Heat the canola oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook and stir the garlic and 1/4 cup onion in the hot oil until the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. Pour in the water, 2 teaspoons salt, and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper and bring to a boil; stir the quinoa into the mixture, reduce heat to medium-low, and cover. Simmer until the quinoa is tender, about 20 minutes. Drain any remaining water from the quinoa with a mesh strainer and transfer to a large mixing bowl. Refrigerate until cold.
  2. Stir the tomato, carrots, bell pepper, cucumber, corn, and 1/4 cup red onion into the chilled quinoa. Season with cilantro, mint, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Drizzle the olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the salad; gently stir until evenly mixed.
This recipe makes 12 servings. Each serving has 148 calories.

Bon Appetite!

September 12th Half Marathon

Hi All!

So the training for the 1/2 marathon run on September 12th officially started this week. Don't worry - if you were hoping to do it - there is still time to get started.
Be as disciplined as you can - it is important follow the schedule as closely as possible. The more sessions you skip out on the more likely you are to hit "the wall" on the 1/2 marathon.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Remember the website is awesome!

Also, please let me know in advance of bootcamp if you have sore legs from a run - and I will be sure to make a special workout for you so you can recuperate.

Happy Training!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Exercising When You Are Sick

It happens way too often - we start an exercise program and all is going well until BAM - you wake up SICK! Then you question if you should stop exercising until you get better or try and push through the symptoms.
As a general rule of thumb if your symptoms are above the neck (sore throat, headache, nasal congestion, etc) then you can push through your symptoms. In fact, sometimes exercise makes your feel better in these cases. If your symptoms are below the neck (chest congestion, stomach pains, fever, etc) than you should take a break from exercise and replace the time with rest.
If you are exercising while you are sick make sure you listen to your body. After about 10 minutes into your exercise session - stop and think about how your are feeling. You may need to reduce the intensity of the exercise or stop altogether if things just aren't right.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cooking Tip

Lately, I have been trying really hard to remove butter and oil from my diet. It has proven to be quite a challenge! My sister gave me this great tip that has really helped! Instead of using butter to saute' vegetables - try using vegetable broth. I tried it yesterday and it was delicious :D
I fried potatoes in a small amount of vegetable broth and the taste was amazing! Thank-you Jacylyn!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Filthy Fifty Workout

Feel free to give this workout a try at home:

50 Squat Jumps
50 Sit-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Walking Lunges
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Body Rows
50 Lunge Jumps
50 Tricep Dips
50 Box Jumps

Try to do it as fast as you can! The next time you do it - try and beat your time.

Good Luck!

For those of us who want to gain weight and muscle

If your goal is to gain weight and muscle than this post is for you! Below are some tips and tricks to help you achieve your goal.

  • The key to gaining muscle/weight is to consume more calories than you burn in a day. Calculate how many calories you should be eating in a day and then adjust accordingly for appropriate weight gain. Keep track of what you consume in a day to help you gain an idea of what you should be eating to achieve your goal
  • Strength training is key! Don't worry - bootcamp will help you with this :D
  • Incorporate extra calories wherever you can
  • Drink milk, Gatorade or juice instead of water
  • Eat foods like peanut butter, dried fruits, cheese, nuts, avocado's, salmon
  • Eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3
  • Eat bigger portions than you normally do
  • Although it is important to eat healthy - sometimes you just need to get the calories in you and get the weight gain started. Don't feel guilty about eating unhealthy foods to get you moving towards your goal
  • Add protein powders and nutritional supplements (like ensure) into your day
Like any goal - the key is to believe in yourself! I know you can do this!

Body Image

"If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. They can have a powerful influence for good when they're on the positive side, and they can and do make you physically ill when they're on the negative side." - Peace Pilgrim

Did you know:

  • 75 percent of women are dissatisfied with their appearance; 89 percent say they want to lose weight
  • Young girls are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer or losing their parents
  • Girls are more prone to developing eating and self-image problems than developing drug or alcohol problems. Yet there are drug and alcohol programs in almost every school but very few eating disorder programs
  • The average North American woman is 5'4", weighs 140 pounds and wears a size 14 dress? Yet the "ideal" woman portrayed by models and movie stars is 5'7", weighs 100 pounds and wears a size 8.

Although many people that attend bootcamp have goals to lose weight or tone up - you still must love your body for what it is TODAY! If you feel that you need to lose weight to be happy with yourself - than you need to change your attitude! That day will never come! It will never be enough! You will be caught in a vicious cycle of negativity that will never end.

Instead, love your body for what it is today! Make healthier lifestyle changes because you deserve it - not because you are unhappy. This attitude will allow you to achieve your goals. If you have a hatred to your body you will never achieve your goals. I strongly encourage you to to love your body and take control of your happiness!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How many calories do I need?

Hey All!

So the ivillage website has a great tool to calculate how many calories you need in a day. However, the formula below will be a little bit more accurate.

I don't want you to obsess with calorie counting - but if you are trying to lose or gain weight - it's a really good idea to do it for a couple days and get your eating on track.

Calculate Basal Metabolism:
Multiply weight in pounds by 10 (men is 11)
eg: 120 (weight) x 10 = 1200

Calculate Physical Activity
Multiply basal metabolism by energy expenditure
- Energy Expenditure
Inactive = .3 (sitting most of day, less than 2 hours moving slowly or standing)
Average = .5 (sitting most of day, walking or standing 2 to 4 hours, but no strenuous activity)
Active= .75 (physically active 4 or more hours of the day, little sitting or standing, some
physically strenuous activities
eg: 1200 (basal metabolism) x .5 (average energy expenditure) = 600

Dietary Thermogenesis
Add calories needed for basal metabolism and physical activity together and then multiply by .l
eg: (1200 + 600) x 0.1 = 180

Total Calorie Need:
Add calories needed for basal metabolism, physical activity, and dietary thermogenesis together
1200 + 600 + 180 = 1880
*** This is the number of calories you need to consume to maintain your same weight!!

Adjusting for goals
if you want to lose weight minus 250 off of the total calorie need
eg: 1880 - 250 = 1630
***** This is how many calories you would consume to lose 1 pound a week

If you want to gain weight add 250 - 500 calories to the total calorie need
eg: 1880 + 250 = 2130
or 1880 + 500 = 2380
******This is how many calories you would need to consume to gain 1-2 pound per week

Good Luck! Let me know if you have any questions about this!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Great Weather

Well, now that it is so nice outside I encourage you to spend more time outdoors instead of sitting in front of the tv!
Go for a walk, jog, bike or rollerblade!
Do some yardwork or gardening.
Go play tennis, shoot some hoops, throw around a baseball!
There are so many activities we can do instead of watching tv!!! The average person watches 4 hours a day!!! I encourage you to aim to watch a maximum of 1 hour of tv a day!
I know you can do it :D

Quick Workout

Hey All!

Here is a workout you can do at home on your own.

50 Walking Lunges
50 Burpees
50 Jumping Squats
50 Plyo Push-ups

Push yourself to see how many times you can get through it in 20 minutes?

Good Luck!