Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Exercising When You Are Sick

It happens way too often - we start an exercise program and all is going well until BAM - you wake up SICK! Then you question if you should stop exercising until you get better or try and push through the symptoms.
As a general rule of thumb if your symptoms are above the neck (sore throat, headache, nasal congestion, etc) then you can push through your symptoms. In fact, sometimes exercise makes your feel better in these cases. If your symptoms are below the neck (chest congestion, stomach pains, fever, etc) than you should take a break from exercise and replace the time with rest.
If you are exercising while you are sick make sure you listen to your body. After about 10 minutes into your exercise session - stop and think about how your are feeling. You may need to reduce the intensity of the exercise or stop altogether if things just aren't right.

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