Wednesday, May 26, 2010

For those of us who want to gain weight and muscle

If your goal is to gain weight and muscle than this post is for you! Below are some tips and tricks to help you achieve your goal.

  • The key to gaining muscle/weight is to consume more calories than you burn in a day. Calculate how many calories you should be eating in a day and then adjust accordingly for appropriate weight gain. Keep track of what you consume in a day to help you gain an idea of what you should be eating to achieve your goal
  • Strength training is key! Don't worry - bootcamp will help you with this :D
  • Incorporate extra calories wherever you can
  • Drink milk, Gatorade or juice instead of water
  • Eat foods like peanut butter, dried fruits, cheese, nuts, avocado's, salmon
  • Eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3
  • Eat bigger portions than you normally do
  • Although it is important to eat healthy - sometimes you just need to get the calories in you and get the weight gain started. Don't feel guilty about eating unhealthy foods to get you moving towards your goal
  • Add protein powders and nutritional supplements (like ensure) into your day
Like any goal - the key is to believe in yourself! I know you can do this!

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