Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Challenge You...

Hi Everyone! So, I'm not sure what's going on - but for some reason no matter what I do my post keeps removing the enter sign - and all my text is being jumbled into one. So hopefully you can decifer this! So, in order to spice up your exercise life, I thought I would suggest some challenges for you to take on to help push your health and fitness outside of bootcamp. Pick 1 or 2 and get started today :) Be sure to set up a reward for yourself for when you complete the challenge. Suggested Challenges 30 Days Alcohol Free: Give it all up!! 30 days without any alcohol. Give up the empty calories for just one month and see how it effects your body :) 30 Days Cheese Free: Yup cheese. Cheese has so many calories. Give it up for 30 days and reduce some unnecessary calories. 30 Miles in 30 Days: Walk, Run, Bike or Swim. Keep track of your distance and see if you can complete 30 miles in 30 days!!! Find a friend who is interested in doing something similar and compete to see who completes the most miles within 30 days. The loser will have to buy the winner dinner (or something equally awesome). is great for keeping track of your distance 20 Workouts in 30 Days: I'm defining a workout as 60 minutes of physical activity (the minutes don't have to be all at once). Playing sports, walking, running, bootcamp, strength training... etc. They all count! If you attend bootcamp that is 8 workouts in 30 days - can you do 12 on your own?! Something New: In a month, try a new type of exercise every week. Some suggestions include yoga, rock climbing, hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, dance class, pet/owner exercise class, and the list goes on an on... These are just suggestions - if you are able to come up with your own challenge that's awesome too! Good Luck :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

10 X 10

Hi all!

I got a lot of feedback that everyone really enjoyed this tough circuit on Monday so I thought I would post it.

This circuit is done FOR SPEED. You want to go through all 10 exercises AS FAST as you can, without resting. After you have done them all... take a short rest and do it again.
There are 10 exercises - for each exercise you do 10 reps.

Step or Bench

1. Burpee with push-up
2. 180 degree squats
3. Tricep pushups
4. Across squat on step
5. Jumpovers
6. Spiderman Push-up
7. Jumping lunges (10 PER leg)
8. Tricep Dips
9. T Push-ups
10. Roll to standing with jump

Good Luck!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Curried Quinoa Recipe

Hey All!

Here is that curried quinoa recipe some of you asked for. A big thanks to Cherene for passing it on :)


1 Cup Quinoa
1 1/2 Tbsp Veg Oil
1/2 Onion Diced
1 tsp fresh ginger (grated)
1/2 fresh green chile (finely chopped)
1 heaping tsp turmeric
1 heaping tsp coriander
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 3/4 cups water
1/2 cup fresh or frozen peas
salt to taste

1. Place oil and diced onions in a heavy saucepan. Saute the onions on medium high heat for for or five minutes.
2. Add the ginger root, chile and quinoa. Cook for one minute stirring constantly. A fine, white spiral appears around the grain as it cooks.
3. Stir in the turmeric, coriander, cinnamon and salt. Cook for one minute stirring constantly.
4. Add the water and bring it to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Stir in peas. Cover and cook for four or five minutes or until peas are tender and all othe water has been absorbed.
6. Fluff with a fork

Serving suggestion: This dish is great with pork tenderloin and peach salsa. It's also great with fish.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Recipe Website

Hi All,

Below is a link to my absolute favorite recipe website. I use this site ALL the time. My favorite part is that you can sort your search results by rating - so you can see the top rated recipes first. Also, below each recipe is a ton of comments and suggestions that I always find useful.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shoulders and Cardio

Hi Everyone!

I had a lot of feedback regarding Wednesday's shoulder and cardio circuit. A lot of people really liked it so I thought I would post it. All you need is a set of dumbells.

Complete each exercise for 1 minute.
1. Alternating Shoulder Press
2. Jumping Jacks
3. Upright Row
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Flip Flies
6. Burpees
7. Anterior Raise - Lateral Raise down
8. High Knee Jog
9. Shoulder Press
10. Spring on Spot


Spot Training

Hi Everyone!

I can't count how many times someone says to me that they want to get rid of fat in a certain area - and they want exercises on how to do that. Unfortunately, this type of thinking is completely wrong. We cannot spot train.

Our bodies have fat throughout our bodies and the distribution is dependent on a number of factors such as genetics, gender and age. OVERALL body fat must be reduced to lose fat in any particular area. Although fat is lost or gained throughout the body it seems the first area to get fat, or the last area to become lean, is the midsection (in men and some women, especially after menopause) and hips and thighs (in women and few men).

This means, that if you want to lose fat in a certain area - you have to work hard and burn lots of calories. This way you will lose fat all over the body. As you become leaner - you will start to notice the fat leaving your targeted areas. Strength training should be done for all muscle groups to be balanced.

My take on the whole thing... STOP focusing on targeted areas and instead focus on overall health. Exercise to be strong and healthy for life :)

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hi All!

I thought today I would talk a bit about metabolism - something I haven't mentioned in awhile.
Metabolism is the chemical reactions that go on inside your body that allow you to live and grow. Your metabolism helps you to digest food and absorb nutrients. Obesity is strongly linked to slow metabolism – as you are not digesting your food as quickly as someone with fast metabolism.

There are lots of ways in which you can boost your metabolism. Unfortunately, part of the aging process involves our metabolism slowing down – which is largely the reason why older people find it harder to keep weight off than when they were younger.

The best metabolism booster is exercise!!! In particular, strength training is the absolute best metabolism booster. The more muscle you have the better metabolism you have. So keep lifting those weights :)

Another great metabolism booster is vegetables with a lot of fiber. They take a lot of energy to digest them and in turn the body boosts it's metabolism. So foods like spinach and broccoli are amazing. Be sure to eat them every week. I NEVER make a salad anymore without spinach...

Another metabolism booster is lean meats. This is for two reasons -
1. They are high in protein - so you feel full longer
2. They are thermogenic - which means they help the body create heat. When the body heats up it burns more calories by using more energy. Some examples of lean meats are turkey, chicken, eggs and fish.

Spicy foods also boost your metabolism because they are also thermogenic like the lean meats. Cayenne pepper is the best spice for boosting your metabolism.

Water is another important factor for your metabolism. If you are dehydrated your metabolism slows down!! Yikes! Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

I hope you use this easy tips to help boost your metabolism!!

Blood Pressure and BMI

Hi Everyone!

It's important to regularly check your health numbers. One of the most important is your blood pressure. You should check your blood pressure at least twice a year! Blood pressure is a measure of the pressure or force of blood against the walls of the arteries, expressed as a ratio in millimetres of mercury, or mm Hg. The top number (systolic) represents the pressure when the heart contracts and pushes blood out, while the bottom number (diastolic) is the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes between beats.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Blood pressure that is consistently more than 140/90 mm Hg is considered high.

If your blood pressure is high there are some things you can do to help. Eat a balanced diet, reduce salt and alcohol intake, be physically active and avoid smoking to help lower blood pressure. Maintain a healthy weight — even a small reduction in weight, as little as 10 per cent, can dramatically decrease the chances of having a stroke or heart attack. Also, set aside some time every day to relax. Stress can cause blood pressure to rise in the short-term.

Another quick method to check your health is calculate your BMI. You BMI is calculated using your height and weight to determine if you are at a healthy weight. Check the table to see where you fit

Now, BMI has some limits. It doesn't account for muscle mass. A male athlete would likely fall into the overweight or obese category because this table does not account for the fact that muscle weights more than fat. So take this information with caution.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Motivation To Exercise

Hi Everyone!

How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your butt? I ask myself this question every now and then, and I have the feeling I’m not the only one. Here are some factors that keep me motivated to exercise.

1. Living A Long Enjoyable Life - This one is so important to me. I am only 25 years old. I want to live long enough to have children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I know that staying healthy and active keeps me on the right path to reach this goal. I also want to be able to play with my children (grandchildren) and I know I will need to maintain a certain fitness level to be able to do that..

2. Having Fun and Challenging Myself - when I exercise I crave the sense of accomplishment. I love to challenge myself out of my comfort zone because I feel so successful afterward!

3. Time Dedicated To Me - Sometimes life gets so busy and crazy. When I exercise it's my time! I am a priority and it's important to take care of myself.

4. More energy - I feel rejuvenated, happy and healthy after a workout. Gotta love that feeling

4. Stress Relief - Exercise helps me sort out the stresses of life. I have time to myself to contemplate and think about what is going on in my life.

5. To Look Good - Exercise helps keep weight in control and tone muscles. After I exercise I feel strong, healthy and beautiful.

6. The Adrenaline Rush - there is always a point in my workout where I get a rush of adrenaline - I feel like I can accomplish anything! I love that feeling.

7. To Help My Self Esteem - I used to have a poor self esteem. Now that I have incorporated exercise into my life on a regular basis I feel better about myself. I also hate that "blah" feeling you get when you don't exercise. I think the "blah" feeling really wears on your self-esteem.

8. The Post Workout Feeling - after a workout I feel high! It's an indescribable, unbeatable feeling that keeps me going!

9. Signing Up For A Race - as soon as I pay my fee's for a half marathon my motivation sky rockets. If you make a commitment to any type of race (5 km, 10 km, half marathon, triathlon - you name it) you will immediately feel more motivated.

10. Exercise Buddy or Personal Trainer - when you have someone else to exercise with you are much more motivated. That person will push you when you really have no desire to get your butt off the couch.

11. Reading About Health and Fitness - reading magazines, blogs, forums, books, etc. helps you stay motivated. The more you think about exercise the more likely you are to do it :)

12. Rewards - make reasonable yet challenging goals and reward yourself. I say this all the time - but I don't know if anyone does it.

13. Your Before Picture - take a picture of yourself when you start exercising and refer back to it every few months. It is amazing how much your body changes as you lose weight!

14. Happiness - studies show that people who exercise are happier! That seems so obvious to me. Anyone I know who lives an unhealthy lifestyle does not seem as happy to me. What a great reason to stay motivated!!!

I hope some of these reasons help you stay motivated to life a healthy and active lifestyle :)

Falling Off The Wagon ...... Getting Back On

Hi Everyone!

Falling off the wagon happens to the best of us! I know I have been there.
There are so many reasons that this can happen. Sometimes, our life throws us some type of curve ball that sends our typical routine down the drain and we struggle to make it through each day. Other times we lose motivation and confidence and we self sabotage our health and fitness. No matter what the reason, eventually we have to get back on the wagon.

So, how do you get back on the wagon?
Firstly, acknowledge that you're slipping up- but don't berate yourself. Self loathing only serves to frustrate you and cause you to eat garbage- and more of it. Give yourself some leeway. Some things you may want to tell yourself are, "I know I'm eating poorly and not exercising, but at least I'm aware of it" or "clearly, I don't feel as good now as when I living a healthy lifestyle - I can't wait to get back into shape". The one thing that you DO NOT tell yourself is that "I'm lazy and fat" and "I'll never lose this weight and get back into shape". Sometimes, being more lenient on yourself will actually prevent some of that emotional, guilt driven, impulsive eating.

The next step is to get motivated. Make a list of the reasons you were motivated to exercise in the first place. Post the list on your fridge and refer to it daily. You also might want to write down the main reason you fell off the wagon and really think about what you will change so you don't fall off again. For example, if you think the reason you fell off the wagon is because you hate exercise. Then you need to find some type of exercise you enjoy. If you do the same exercise -you will likely just fall off again.

The next step is to get back on the wagon! Have friends and family support you. If you can partner up with someone you will increase your chance of success! Make commitments to exercise, clean out the junk in your cupboards and believe in yourself!

You CAN do this :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Everythings Amazing and Nobody's Happy

Hi All!

This really doesn't have much to do with bootcamp. However, sometimes we need a little laugh. I found this short clip awesome! It reminded me to step back and appreciate everything we have :)
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Have a fantastic day :)


Monday, February 28, 2011

Some Favorite Core Exercises

Hi All!

I thought today I would post some of my favorite core exercises that you can do at home. Surprisingly, the best core exercises are squats and deadlifts - I know most of you don't believe me - but they are! However, below are some more traditional ones that I also like :)

Pike with Feet on Stability Ball

This move can also be done with your feet on the floor.
Start in a plank position with your shins on the ball, your body is in a straight line from head to toe. Then contract your abs and lift hips toward ceiling, as if you were going to do a handstand, rolling ball down toward feet.
Lower back to start position.
Repeat 10-20 times.

Cross legged Sit Up

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an image from this one.. .but it's pretty self explanatory.
Lay down with your legs criss cross able sauce.
Now lift your shoulder blades and low back off the floor towards the ceiling. Hold for 1 second and return to start position. Breathe out as you lift up and in as your lower down.
Repeat 20-30 times

Plank Jack

From a plank position, jump your feet out wide and then jump them back in to start position. Repeat approximately 25 times.

Creepy Crawler

From a plank position bend one knee towards the elbow on the same side and return to start position. Then bend other knee towards the other elbow. Repeat 10-20 times.
This exercise can also be done from your forearms.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Little Treat

Hi All!

I thought I would share this recipe with you. I made these yesterday and they are delicious :) They are made without flour and sugar so I feel less guilty about having a sweet treat.


Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

2 cups peanut butter
2 cups Splenda (or sugar if you don't have splenda)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Mix all ingredients together
Roll into balls and flatten with a fork on a greased cookie sheet
Bake for 8-10 minutes
Let cool

Serve with milk :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Killer 550 Rep Workout

Hey Guys!

Here is a tough workout that you can do at home.
There are 11 exercises - 50 reps of each exercise.
Go through it as fast as you can... the next time you do it see if you can beat your time.

1. Reverse Lunge with a front kick (25 per leg)
2. Push-ups
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Plie Squats (also known as Sumo Squats)
5. Single Leg Bridge with Leg Lift (25 per side)
6. Squat with leg extension
7. Body Weight Tricep Extensions (25 per side)
8. Jackknifes
9. Squat with Woodchops
10. Side Plank with Dips (25 per side)
11. Wall Sit with Single Leg Lifts (25 per side)

Good Luck :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Scary Survey Results

Hi All,

I took this article from cbc news....

A transcript excerpt of Health reporter Kelly Crowe’s interview with Mark Tremblay, director of the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, one of the authors of the Statistics Canada survey, Canadian Health Measures Survey. The findings, based on the 2007-09 study, involve data on 2,800 adults and 1,600 children and teenagers.

Crowe: What’s the most important information from this report?

Tremblay: There are a couple of important things. One is for the first time ever we have an accurate picture on the movement behaviour of Canadians. The Canadian Health Services Survey allows us to carefully partition the types of movements that people are doing throughout the day into different categories with some degree of accuracy. We know how long and when people were sedentary, were doing light activity, and if they were doing moderate or vigorous activity. We are able to compare and contrast this to previous information, which might have been based on self-report information that clearly has the inherent weaknesses that go along with that.

Crowe: What did you learn?

Tremblay: Well, we now have good robust information for comparison and that’s the good news. The reality is that approximately 15 per cent of Canadian adults and seven per cent of Canadian children and youth are meeting physical activity recommendations based on the best available evidence.

Crowe: What does this mean?

Tremblay: Seven per cent of kids in the country are accumulating 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity six days of the week. Only 15 per cent of adults are getting 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity throughout the whole week accumulated in ten-minute bouts. It means we’re very inactive. We’re a long way from meeting targets that are associated with substantial health benefits. Further and perhaps most strikingly from the research is how much we’re sedentary, which isn’t just the opposite of the physical activity picture. What the research shows is that we can quantify the amount of sedentary behaviour, and kids are accumulating 8.6 hours per day of sedentary behaviour; for adults it is 9.5 hours of waking time per day. That represents 60% to 70% of the entire waking day that we’re essentially immobile.

Crowe: Is that really a problem since we are working or at school.

Tremblay: Well, we don’t have to be totally inactive during these times. You could be standing up doing this interview for example. There are ways we can interrupt our sedentary behaviour. There’s a growing body of evidence showing that’s advantageous to cardiovascular risk factors — even standing up more frequently, moving a little more frequently, standing up at meetings, standing up and sitting down again, changing our posture. Although that’s not going to increase physical activity it will reduce sedentary behaviour and produce health benefits.

Crowe: Were you surprised by the findings?

Tremblay: Yes, the degree to which we are sedentary and the degree to which we are not physically active is surprising and disappointing, especially in light of the efforts made by different groups to motivate people, to encourage people, to inspire people to be physically active. It seems the more accurate the information we get, the worse the story is. I have a high degree of confidence in this data. This is the situation as it is. The good news is we know what the situation is, we’re probably close to the bottom of where we can be at, and what we need now are aggressive sustained programs to change that.

Crowe: Are you saying we’ve bottomed out?

Tremblay: Well seven per cent for children and 15 per cent of activity for adults means 93 per cent are not reaching the targets — 85 per cent of adults are not meeting the targets and the targets are very modest. They represent one, two, three per cent of our daily time that we’re asking people to be physically active. At the other end of the spectrum, more and more of the time that we are not physically active, which is almost all of our time, is spent almost completely sedentary. Both of these we need to change to preserve and to promote health.

Crowe: It sounds like we are hardly moving at all?

Tremblay: This is true for many people for very large chunks of the day. The argument that we are at work or in school during the day is one we need not accept. We can modify the school day, we can modify our workday to introduce movement into the day — to interrupt complete sedentary time — and I think we should do that, while at the same time put programs in place to motivate people to be physically active.

Crowe: What is moderate and vigorous activity?

Tremblay: Moderate means something like doing a brisk walk, doing your sporting activities, going for a jog, going for a swim. At moderate you should still be able to talk but be a little bit out of breath. As you get to more vigorous activity you lose that ability. Overall it is important to do something to interrupt sedentary activity. We need to get people moving more often.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

10 healthy snacks to eat at your desk

Here are some of my recommended snacks for the mid morning or afternoon munchies....

1. Hard boiled egg
One egg has approximately 70 calories and is packed with five to six grams of protein! I like to cook a whole bunch on Sunday and then they are ready to go each morning!

2. Almonds
About 12 nuts has 184 calories! They are packed with protein and omega fatty acids, which are great for your heart!

3. Apple and Cheese or Peanut Butter
This snack is high in fiber, protein and fat! I like light baby-bel cheese or natural peanut butter.

4. 1/2 Avocado
Avocado's are so good for you. This rich fruit is very high in fiber and will keep you full until your next meal

5. Cottage Cheese and Fruit
This is high in fiber and protein but low in fat. A great pre-workout snack!

6. Organic Taste of Nature Granola Bar
Not all granola bars are created equally. In fact - some of them are just as bad as eating a chocolate bar. Look for something with < 10 grams of sugar, having some fiber and some protein.

7. Celery (or carrots) and Hummus
Hummus is great for you. It's high in fiber, protein and it has nutrients that help normalize blood pressure.

8. Tomato Slices and Cheese
This combination contains fat and protein. Plus tomatoes are full of antioxidants!

9. Baked Sweet Potato and Tuna
ok - I know this one sounds strange but it is super healthy! It is a great balance of protein and carbohydrates! It is also packed with fiber and beta-carotene!

10. Banana and a glass of milk
This is a great snack for after a workout. Banana's are high in potassium and the milk provides a great balance of carbohydrates and protein needed for after a workout.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Finding Time

Hi all!

All of us are faced with the challenge of fitting a workout into our busy daily schedules. Our friends, families and communities all require time, and in today's marketplace many people have great demands placed on them at work. Our personal time is becoming very precious.

So, how do we fit it all in?
Everyone should make daily appointments with themselves to exercise for their own health and well-being. It is not selfish, it is necessary. In order to care about the other people in your life, you must first care about yourself. If not, just how are you going to be any good to them?

Tonight, before you go to bed, plan what your day is going to look like tomorrow. When will you make your appointment for exercise? What will you do? The next day, all you have to do is get up and stick to your plan! Sounds easy, right?

Everyone who attends bootcamp already has 2 or 3 days where their exercise appointment is already made. However, I have said it MANY times before.... 2 or 3 days just isn't enough. You need to make your own exercise appointments when we do not have bootcamp. There are tons of different things you could do.... take your dog for a long walk, go for a run, play a sport, join a dance class or group fitness class, go to the gym...... the possibilities are endless....

So, what will tomorrow look like for you?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Free Bootcamp

Hi All!

Tonight I will be giving away free bootcamp! We will have a competition and the winner will get free bootcamp for the month of May (up to 8 sessions!).

I can't wait!
See you soon :)


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fun Home Workout

Hi all,

Here is a workout you can try at home. You need a small space, a set of dumbbells, and a timer or clock. Enjoy!

Warm-up: do some jogging on the spot, bum kickers, high knees, jumping jacks, squats, arm circles, for approximately 3-5 minutes to get warmed up

Circuit 1: Do 1 minute of each exercise

  1. Jumping Jacks (or wacky jacks)
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. High Knees
  4. Skip
  5. Side to Side Hops
Circuit 2: Do 1 minute of each exercise
  1. Plank
  2. Crunches
  3. Full sit-ups
  4. Bicycle
  5. Plank with hip dips

Circuit 3: Do 2 minutes of each exercise

  1. Pop Squats
  2. Speed Skaters
  3. Single Leg Deadlifts (2 min per leg)
  4. Alternating Lunges with bicep curl

Circuit 4: Do 2 minutes of each exercise

  1. T-pushups
  2. Alternating Bicep Curls
  3. Turkish Get-ups
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. Row Plank

Circuit 5: Do 2 minutes of each exercise

  1. Jog on spot
  2. Bum kickers
  3. Skiers
  4. Wacky Jacks
  5. Squat Jumps

Circuit 6: Do 1 minute of each exercise

  1. Plank
  2. Crunches
  3. Full situps
  4. Bicycle
  5. Plank with hip dips

Cool Down and Stretch

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Home Fitness Test

Good Morning Y'all!

Today, I was thinking about how long it has been since we have done a fitness assessment at bootcamp. To make up for it - I found this link:

On this page, you will find fitness tests for push-ups, sit-ups, squats, vertical jump, step-ups, and flexibility. On each page is a table to see where your fitness level measures up for your age.



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentine's Day Bootcamp

Hi Guys!

On Monday, February 14th bring a loved one to bootcamp if you like. It can be a friend, significant other, child, etc. ... basically just don't bring joe shmo off the street.

We will have a fun workout and I will even give a prize away at the end of the session!

Can't wait!!


Monday, January 31, 2011

What I learned at PHAT camp

Hi All!

It has been forever since I have posted on the blog! My apologies!! I seem to be balancing work, school and life a bit better now and I hope to post regularly again.

This past weekend I went to PHAT camp with Jen Hendershott. Feel free to check out her website I got some awesome new exercise and workout ideas. Here are some other things I took out of the camp.

You Only Live Once
I really realized how short life is and how important it is to enjoy every bit of it :)
I feel extremely fortunate for the way I am able to live my life. If you are unhappy with your life you NEED to make a change. Change whatever it is that is causing you unhappiness - because you only live once.
Also, it is so important to express how you feel about your friends and family on a regular basis. You never know when their or your last day will come.

2) Success/Failure in Fitness
I listened to a lot of women this weekend discuss why they are not meeting their fitness goals. I think for a lot of us it boils down to a couple things. The first is we don't really want to meet those fitness goals. For example, I would love to look like Jen Hendershott, however, I also really really love going out for supper, drinking the odd beer, and occasionally devouring a plate of nachos. In the long run, I am not willing to make the sacrifices it takes to have a body like Jen Hendershott. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I just have to know that there is no magic way for me to change my body without putting the work in.
The other reason main reason I think people do not meet their fitness goals is because they sabotage themselves. It is so much easier to sabotage yourself and have an excuse for failing then to try your hardest and still fail. We are scared to jump in with two feet and really commit to our goal. Before tackling a fitness goal we need to have a clear plan and support system in place in order for us to really jump in and reach success.

3) Self-esteem
One of the most shocking parts of PHAT camp was hearing the answers to the question "Using one word describe yourself naked". I would say approximately 80-90% of women answered a negative word like gross, fat, ugly, etc. That is HORRIBLE! In order for you to really achieve your health and fitness goals you need to love yourself. I don't care what you look like naked - you need to love your body regardless of the shape and size. Absolutely, you may have areas you want to change or improve but please do me a favor and don't focus in on those areas. When you look in the mirror naked please remember to look at the whole person. Don't zone in on your flabby belly or thighs. Unfortunately, media portrays this impossible figure to idolize and it is seriously hurting the self esteem of women.
I have to be completely honest. It has taken me a very long time to love my body. I hated being naked - especially near mirrors or other people. I would look straight at my "problem area" and just immediately feel uncomfortable and ugly. I have now begun to realize that I should not worry so much about my "problem area" and just be happy and comfortable in my own skin. Portia de Rossi was 90lbs and still felt she had fat thighs! No matter how much weight or toning you do, you will always perceive yourself to have a "problem area". Accept, love and celebrate your body for what it is. I am willing to bet someone out there is willing to trade everything for a body like yours.

4) Who I am as a trainer
I feel I now have a better understand of who I am as a personal trainer.
- Safety comes first when exercising
- I am surprisingly opinionated on a lot of issues and I typically do not voice my opinion
- I feel it is important to push people but not so hard that they are miserable and don't want to come back. This can be misinterpreted as being too nice.
- I don't yell at people, I encourage people. I expect participants to use their own determination to get through an exercise or workout
- I am sometimes frustrated that I can only do bootcamp 2 times a week. I would love to do it more often so you have a better chance of meeting your goals. However, so much of it boils down to diet - and I can't hang out at your house and feed you. So, if you have a goal the work has to come from YOU
- I will never do the same workout twice. I also try to come up with one new exercise each session (after 3 years of bootcamp this is getting difficult).
- I will always believe in you and be here to help. I feel like I am not only your trainer but your friend.

Overall, I had a great weekend at PHAT camp and I'm looking forward to bootcamp tonight :)