Monday, March 7, 2011

Motivation To Exercise

Hi Everyone!

How do you find motivation to exercise when you just don’t feel like getting off your butt? I ask myself this question every now and then, and I have the feeling I’m not the only one. Here are some factors that keep me motivated to exercise.

1. Living A Long Enjoyable Life - This one is so important to me. I am only 25 years old. I want to live long enough to have children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I know that staying healthy and active keeps me on the right path to reach this goal. I also want to be able to play with my children (grandchildren) and I know I will need to maintain a certain fitness level to be able to do that..

2. Having Fun and Challenging Myself - when I exercise I crave the sense of accomplishment. I love to challenge myself out of my comfort zone because I feel so successful afterward!

3. Time Dedicated To Me - Sometimes life gets so busy and crazy. When I exercise it's my time! I am a priority and it's important to take care of myself.

4. More energy - I feel rejuvenated, happy and healthy after a workout. Gotta love that feeling

4. Stress Relief - Exercise helps me sort out the stresses of life. I have time to myself to contemplate and think about what is going on in my life.

5. To Look Good - Exercise helps keep weight in control and tone muscles. After I exercise I feel strong, healthy and beautiful.

6. The Adrenaline Rush - there is always a point in my workout where I get a rush of adrenaline - I feel like I can accomplish anything! I love that feeling.

7. To Help My Self Esteem - I used to have a poor self esteem. Now that I have incorporated exercise into my life on a regular basis I feel better about myself. I also hate that "blah" feeling you get when you don't exercise. I think the "blah" feeling really wears on your self-esteem.

8. The Post Workout Feeling - after a workout I feel high! It's an indescribable, unbeatable feeling that keeps me going!

9. Signing Up For A Race - as soon as I pay my fee's for a half marathon my motivation sky rockets. If you make a commitment to any type of race (5 km, 10 km, half marathon, triathlon - you name it) you will immediately feel more motivated.

10. Exercise Buddy or Personal Trainer - when you have someone else to exercise with you are much more motivated. That person will push you when you really have no desire to get your butt off the couch.

11. Reading About Health and Fitness - reading magazines, blogs, forums, books, etc. helps you stay motivated. The more you think about exercise the more likely you are to do it :)

12. Rewards - make reasonable yet challenging goals and reward yourself. I say this all the time - but I don't know if anyone does it.

13. Your Before Picture - take a picture of yourself when you start exercising and refer back to it every few months. It is amazing how much your body changes as you lose weight!

14. Happiness - studies show that people who exercise are happier! That seems so obvious to me. Anyone I know who lives an unhealthy lifestyle does not seem as happy to me. What a great reason to stay motivated!!!

I hope some of these reasons help you stay motivated to life a healthy and active lifestyle :)

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