Monday, March 7, 2011

Falling Off The Wagon ...... Getting Back On

Hi Everyone!

Falling off the wagon happens to the best of us! I know I have been there.
There are so many reasons that this can happen. Sometimes, our life throws us some type of curve ball that sends our typical routine down the drain and we struggle to make it through each day. Other times we lose motivation and confidence and we self sabotage our health and fitness. No matter what the reason, eventually we have to get back on the wagon.

So, how do you get back on the wagon?
Firstly, acknowledge that you're slipping up- but don't berate yourself. Self loathing only serves to frustrate you and cause you to eat garbage- and more of it. Give yourself some leeway. Some things you may want to tell yourself are, "I know I'm eating poorly and not exercising, but at least I'm aware of it" or "clearly, I don't feel as good now as when I living a healthy lifestyle - I can't wait to get back into shape". The one thing that you DO NOT tell yourself is that "I'm lazy and fat" and "I'll never lose this weight and get back into shape". Sometimes, being more lenient on yourself will actually prevent some of that emotional, guilt driven, impulsive eating.

The next step is to get motivated. Make a list of the reasons you were motivated to exercise in the first place. Post the list on your fridge and refer to it daily. You also might want to write down the main reason you fell off the wagon and really think about what you will change so you don't fall off again. For example, if you think the reason you fell off the wagon is because you hate exercise. Then you need to find some type of exercise you enjoy. If you do the same exercise -you will likely just fall off again.

The next step is to get back on the wagon! Have friends and family support you. If you can partner up with someone you will increase your chance of success! Make commitments to exercise, clean out the junk in your cupboards and believe in yourself!

You CAN do this :)

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