Monday, March 14, 2011


Hi All!

I thought today I would talk a bit about metabolism - something I haven't mentioned in awhile.
Metabolism is the chemical reactions that go on inside your body that allow you to live and grow. Your metabolism helps you to digest food and absorb nutrients. Obesity is strongly linked to slow metabolism – as you are not digesting your food as quickly as someone with fast metabolism.

There are lots of ways in which you can boost your metabolism. Unfortunately, part of the aging process involves our metabolism slowing down – which is largely the reason why older people find it harder to keep weight off than when they were younger.

The best metabolism booster is exercise!!! In particular, strength training is the absolute best metabolism booster. The more muscle you have the better metabolism you have. So keep lifting those weights :)

Another great metabolism booster is vegetables with a lot of fiber. They take a lot of energy to digest them and in turn the body boosts it's metabolism. So foods like spinach and broccoli are amazing. Be sure to eat them every week. I NEVER make a salad anymore without spinach...

Another metabolism booster is lean meats. This is for two reasons -
1. They are high in protein - so you feel full longer
2. They are thermogenic - which means they help the body create heat. When the body heats up it burns more calories by using more energy. Some examples of lean meats are turkey, chicken, eggs and fish.

Spicy foods also boost your metabolism because they are also thermogenic like the lean meats. Cayenne pepper is the best spice for boosting your metabolism.

Water is another important factor for your metabolism. If you are dehydrated your metabolism slows down!! Yikes! Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

I hope you use this easy tips to help boost your metabolism!!

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