Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Challenge You...

Hi Everyone! So, I'm not sure what's going on - but for some reason no matter what I do my post keeps removing the enter sign - and all my text is being jumbled into one. So hopefully you can decifer this! So, in order to spice up your exercise life, I thought I would suggest some challenges for you to take on to help push your health and fitness outside of bootcamp. Pick 1 or 2 and get started today :) Be sure to set up a reward for yourself for when you complete the challenge. Suggested Challenges 30 Days Alcohol Free: Give it all up!! 30 days without any alcohol. Give up the empty calories for just one month and see how it effects your body :) 30 Days Cheese Free: Yup cheese. Cheese has so many calories. Give it up for 30 days and reduce some unnecessary calories. 30 Miles in 30 Days: Walk, Run, Bike or Swim. Keep track of your distance and see if you can complete 30 miles in 30 days!!! Find a friend who is interested in doing something similar and compete to see who completes the most miles within 30 days. The loser will have to buy the winner dinner (or something equally awesome). is great for keeping track of your distance 20 Workouts in 30 Days: I'm defining a workout as 60 minutes of physical activity (the minutes don't have to be all at once). Playing sports, walking, running, bootcamp, strength training... etc. They all count! If you attend bootcamp that is 8 workouts in 30 days - can you do 12 on your own?! Something New: In a month, try a new type of exercise every week. Some suggestions include yoga, rock climbing, hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, dance class, pet/owner exercise class, and the list goes on an on... These are just suggestions - if you are able to come up with your own challenge that's awesome too! Good Luck :)